Centexbel-VKC bookshop

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in thermoplastische spuitgietproducten


Publicaties door en over Centexbel-VKC

In dit artikel bespreekt Tom Michielsen onze Techtextil Award winnende ontwikkeling, die voor een doorbraak kan zorgen in de ontmanteling en recycling van afgedankte vliegtuigen. Elk jaar komen wereldwijd zo’n duizend afgedankte vliegtuigen opimmense parkings terecht, waar ze wachten op ontmanteling

CISUTAC released a comprehensive report, developed by partners from RISE and Centexbel (with support from Wargön Innovation, Wageningen University, RREUSE, Texaid, AIMPLAS, TEXFOR, ACR+, EURATEX and Textile ETP), titled "Circular Transition Scenarios & Software for Post-Consumer Textile Waste

cover reservist publication

Crises can be unpredictable and can take many different forms, so it is impossible to be fully prepared for every possible scenario. However, by learning from past crises and continually improving our response strategies, we can work to become more resilient and better equipped to handle future

As both governments and customers push for sustainable and recyclable textile products, textile companies will have to change their linear business model to a circular one. The aim of the present work is to help these companies take action by providing an update of the state-of-the-art of textile

Naar aanleiding van de ontwikkelingen in normgeving voor circulaire economie op Europees niveau vanuit CEN/CENELEC interviewden we dr. Karin Eufinger. Vanuit haar rol als Manager voor Normen en Technische Regelgeving bij Centexbel zetelt ze mee in de Europese CEN/TC 473 en de Belgische

CircTex provided a proof-of-concept for fully recyclable workwear within the NWE region by developing technologies for large-scale processing of PET workwear, which was validated and demonstrated in a closed chain pilot.
2 different fabrics were used to produce PET workwear: 

  • A fabric of 100

This guide addresses all legal requirements, pitfalls and many more aspects related to the introduction of circular and sustainable textiles in public procurement tenders.

Detailed report on the washing tests carried out on recycled polyester fabrics within the CircTex project.

eco-design pco cover

This guide provides an introduction to many simple technical aspects of eco-design in the textile sector. Material selection, basic vocabulary, the basics of textile technology, and the main labels that cover the eco-performance of a product or its manufacturing process are, for example, covered in

Interview met Edwin Maes. Heb jij ook het gevoel dat je T-shirts sneller en vaker gaten vertonen? Het lijkt bovendien niet uit te maken of het een oud model of een gloednieuw exemplaar is. Gaatjes zijn dus geen teken van ouderdom. Waar komen ze dan wel vandaan?